I felt like this creature this weekend...a slug...though not as alarmed as he seems.
It was just one of those weekends...we were slugs. I'm sure everyone has them. It was cloudy and drizzling rain off and on over the weekend. We barely left the house, and that's OK. I did manage to do a couple of loads of laundry and hung out with friends for half of the Memphis vs Vols game Saturday night. I really could care less about college basketball, it was just the hype around the game that made it interesting to see who won. This is Memphis. I was sure I would see coverage of mayhem breakout downtown after the Tigers lost, but everyone seemed civilized.
Roux sure seems worn out from his afternoon of chewing his snake toy to shreds. His picture about sums up our weekend here at the Schneider house. Time to get back to the Oscars viewing...
Ava’s Senior Year Part 1
2 years ago