Sunday, November 9, 2008

Liz & Carlton's Scrapbook...Finally!!

First of all, I've been soooo busy at work I barely have time to do any fun personal stuff, let alone, update this blog with anything of interest. All it would say anyway is...I'm busy, working too much sucks.

On a much lighter note, the long awaited scrapbook for Liz and Carlton is finished!! Yes, it is over 2 years due. But, hey - better late than never, right?!! The original intention was to have it complete in time to bring to Hawaii for the wedding September 2006. At least the intention was good!

So to all that participated in the journey with the bobbles, thank you! Liz and Carlton - I hope the Liz and Carlton bobble heads and accompanying scrapbook will serve as a thoughtful keepsake for years to come. I thought everyone else might enjoy seeing a slideshow of how the book turned out. I've included the verbiage from one of the pages explaining how the bobbles came to be. JT helped me put this into words. Elizabeth and Carlton I hope enjoy it!

Insert from scrapbook page introducing the bobbles:

Bobbles? Why bobbles?
A long, long time ago in a place called Graduate School, Liz and several other classmates became a small group of odd, but inseparable friends. Then through the years, this small but growing group of graduate friends started getting married. Liz, the ring leader in many cases, came up with the idea that we have to do something special for these momentous occasions. As s result,Fred and Michelle saw a sea of Fred and Michelle masks as they walked into their reception, JT and Farrah saw their pictures being taken with life size cutouts of JT (Elvis) and Farrah (Holly Marie Combs/Priscilla Presley), and who knows what will happen at Barb's upcoming wedding!

So, when Liz and Carlton decided to tie the knot, naturally, we had to come up with something just as special for them. Bouncing several ideas, we came up with the idea of bobbles! Yes, we created mini versions of Liz and Carlton! However, we had to do more than just that. So, we sent them (the bobbles) around the country to visit Liz and Carlton's friends to celebrate the upcoming wedding. Along the way, they were silly in Philly, Crazy in KC and a blast with Bruce!

The bobbles created a way to bring everyone there to enjoy Liz and Carlton's special day in Hawaii.

Bobbles Itinerary....
  1. Detroit, MI
  2. Rhode Island
  3. Philadelphia, PA
  4. Punta Gorda, FL
  5. Charlotte, NC
  6. Kansas City, KS
  7. Memphis, TN
  8. Hawaii

Sunday, September 14, 2008

R&R at the Sunset House was vacation time!! It took forever to get here and went by too quickly! We had a wonderful time just relaxing by ourselves! It proved to be a great time to go...despite the threat of all the hurricanes! Hurricane Ike spared us and went instead to Houston. I feel bad for Houston but happy it didn't ruin our Florida vacation! The beaches were quiet and not very populated, which is just the way we like it. The house we rented was just off the beach. We had access just outside our door and beautiful views of the beach and gorgeous sunsets. The weather was perfect, only one 5 minute shower on Wednesday. It was still a bit hot but with Ike out in the Gulf, it brought welcome breezes and gusty winds. Wednesday morning/afternoon we had to retreat to the base of the dune as the surf washed away the beach. By Thursday there was no beach. That was ok because we had our own private pool by which we relaxed. Saturday came too fast!

We ate too much and I got too much sun in a very uncomfortable spot. Let's just say JT dubbed my new nickname 'cheeks'. Ahh....back to the grind tomorrow...yuck!

Great views from our lower balcony.

It's called the Sunset House for a reason!
The quiet, peaceful beach before the surf surge.

The house we stayed in is second from the front. The private pool was very nice!

We ate sooo much! We cooked two nights, picking up fresh seafood from a local market. I made baked oysters, baked red snapper, shrimp fettuccine and boiled shrimp! We ate out several times. Our favorites were Bud and Alley's and The Old Florida Fish House.

Baked oysters...Jt's favorite!

The beach Wednesday evening during the start of the surf surge.

Thursday the surf came up to the steps.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Getting Older...

Totally sucks. I went out for GNO - Girls Night Out - this past Saturday. Me and the girls had fun but there was some hell to pay for it the next day (read still too hungover to even boot up my pc yesterday). The sad part is that while sure, I had some drinks, it wasn't excessive amounts. I mean I'm a gal that can used to hold down a fair amount of alcohol. It was a mild hangover, mainly an annoying headache all day long, but the fact is I ain't gettn' any younger. Even sadder was that there were some young boys, and I do mean boys because they looked 12, at this bar and they happen to disclose the college they went to. It happened to be the same college I went to. Of course the question came up and they asked -"So, what year did you graduate?" 1999. Gasp! I think it took a good several minutes for them to process how old I must be if I graduated in the 90s. One of them actually said "You look hot for 30". Ouch! Couldn't they have just said, "You're hot". Why did he have to add the 30 part?! Little shit. As my friends said they were too stupid to even realize and totally meant it as a compliment. Yeah, that's right...a compliment. That's my story and I'm stickn' to it!

Friday, August 1, 2008

It REALLY is just a Blog

So I recently spent some time in the blogosphere, which is something I've not done in a long time. Sure, I've read a few blogs here and there, certainly none of which I felt compelled to read every day. Many of these I read are related to my profession of eLearning and instructional design/training and a few others are hobby like arts/crafts or personal blogs, which are apparently labeled "mommy blogs" in the blogosphere. Who knew? Not me. I'm not a mom. I'm a newbie to this blog thing anyway. Yes, I joined the party a little late. I guess when you turn 30 and all of your friends and their friends and their friends are having kids, those are the blogs you come across. You then follow links on their blog and so on....out to the blogosphere. I've come to a few conclusions about you serial bloggers out there:

1. You are trying WAY to hard. I mean come on! It's just a blog! You think your clever, witty posts are going to land you some high paying gig writing for some lame online column or something? You say you realize that, but secretly you are hoping your blog thing turns into something, aren't you?! OK Jennifer whoever you are that I read about somewhere (from TN no less) is apparently making some money doing this...but YOU are not. C'mon...keep it real!

2. Trying to seduce your "readers" with intriguing blog titles or posts to increase your traffic. Please! You talk about your "commitments" to blogging. I mean, is someone paying you to write? Don't think so....a tiny percentage of you, MAYBE. I'm a real person with a real job that requires real commitments. I don't have time to take pictures of every single thing I encounter each day or blog about every ridiculous thought that pops in my head. That would be weird, strange and no doubt boring.

3. You mention and praise other bloggers in hopes they will mention you on their blog. Who cares?! Geesh! I didn't like high school the first time around! Popcorn and Soda anyone?

4. Cussing and your transparent style of writing like use of this strikethrough shit style does not make you a better writer. OK, maybe it does pepper it with some f'n interest.

5. You have cute names to describe your kids, husband or family members. I guess I should be a little worried about using real names...I do watch a lot of news magazine shows - Dateline, 20/20 and their stories do freak me out. Yet, I still watch them anytime they come on. Whatever...maybe I'll come up with my own silly names.

6. Many of you see the fourth hour of the Today show...'nuff said.

Yes, I started this blog just to say - hey people I know (all 10 of you), here's what's up in our life. Not to secure "readers" or lure people to get revenue from annoying advertisements or some lame attempt to score a gig.

I do spend the majority of my time writing at work. You wouldn't know it by reading my blog, but I prefer to use this space to just write like the way I talk (Memphis, TN yo) and not worry about being grammatically correct. So if you think I don't write well, F you. I try to refrain use of F bombs for my family "readers" out there. So, I'll just say f'n or F or WTF. Ahh screw it. It's my blog! I can write what I want!

OMG...maybe deep down I want to be like you. I watch Jon & Kate Plus 8 and LOVE it! WTF?! Most of you are fairly sarcastic, so I can appreciate that. My undergrad was in psychology so I'm doing a little reflection here... Nah...It can't be that obvious, can it?! I'm sure if/when I get pregnant and start a family I will blog ad nauseam about my pregnancy and my mini-me's, but hopefully it won't be the typical "mommy blog"...I'm sure it will.

Chelsea Lately is on (love her!)...gotta run.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Baby Shower Central - Baby Girl

Here we go again! This time around it was for a baby girl(due on my birthday September 18!). We also got the chance to visit with Liz who was in town to help host the shower for Ranae. It turned out very lovely and Ranae got TONS of stuff.

Thanks to my friends Jennifer and Jill for contributing their craftiness for both showers. You can check out their work in the slideshows below. Jennifer does a variety of crafty projects including monogramming and did fabric covered buckets for me. I had flower arrangements made out of them and gave to the mommies so they can use the bucket in their nursery later. You can check out her etsy shop of handmade items at Jill is amazing baker and cake decorator and did the cakes for both parties. Everyone loved the strawberry cake and colorful cupcakes. Now, I've just got to get baby presents for two other girlfriends who just had their babies. Then it's adios to baby stuff...for a while anyway!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Baby Shower Central - Baby Boy

The baby shower bonanza is well underway! Everyone I know is pregnant or just had a kid. This past weekend I co-hosted a shower for my friend Toni at my house. It was fun getting everything together, but boy I was tired when it was over! One down and one more to go this weekend! It would have been too easy for this shower to be for a boy too. Yep, this one is for a girl so all new decor! Congrats Sean and Toni on your beautiful baby boy!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

A visit from Zanesville was that time of year again. JT's parents came for their annual summertime visit. I guess the summertime tradition started last 4th of July. And so it came around again for their 2 week marathon visit. Yes...2 weeks! That too began last year after JT's mom retired. Don't know exactly why they pick this month as it is very, very hot in Memphis. Prior to last year it seems like they had been visiting over Thanksgiving.

At any rate, we had a good visit. My parents even came one Sunday to eat lunch and spend time with the Schneiders. We went to the 4th of July redbirds game and saw their fireworks show followed by the Germantown 4th of July festivities the next day. We shopped, ate, shopped and ate some more. JT and his dad built a ramp off the deck so poor little Jake can get off the deck by himself (he's back to his old self by the way!). I was VERY impressed with the ramp. Thank goodness John was here and actually made it look professional rather than white trash gehtto mess we would have likely had if JT would have done it himself (love you honey, but you know it's true!).

They came, they saw, they went! We had our own Independence day Sunday, July 13th!
John and Mako you know we love you :) We hope you enjoyed your visit!