Friday, August 1, 2008

It REALLY is just a Blog

So I recently spent some time in the blogosphere, which is something I've not done in a long time. Sure, I've read a few blogs here and there, certainly none of which I felt compelled to read every day. Many of these I read are related to my profession of eLearning and instructional design/training and a few others are hobby like arts/crafts or personal blogs, which are apparently labeled "mommy blogs" in the blogosphere. Who knew? Not me. I'm not a mom. I'm a newbie to this blog thing anyway. Yes, I joined the party a little late. I guess when you turn 30 and all of your friends and their friends and their friends are having kids, those are the blogs you come across. You then follow links on their blog and so on....out to the blogosphere. I've come to a few conclusions about you serial bloggers out there:

1. You are trying WAY to hard. I mean come on! It's just a blog! You think your clever, witty posts are going to land you some high paying gig writing for some lame online column or something? You say you realize that, but secretly you are hoping your blog thing turns into something, aren't you?! OK Jennifer whoever you are that I read about somewhere (from TN no less) is apparently making some money doing this...but YOU are not. C'mon...keep it real!

2. Trying to seduce your "readers" with intriguing blog titles or posts to increase your traffic. Please! You talk about your "commitments" to blogging. I mean, is someone paying you to write? Don't think so....a tiny percentage of you, MAYBE. I'm a real person with a real job that requires real commitments. I don't have time to take pictures of every single thing I encounter each day or blog about every ridiculous thought that pops in my head. That would be weird, strange and no doubt boring.

3. You mention and praise other bloggers in hopes they will mention you on their blog. Who cares?! Geesh! I didn't like high school the first time around! Popcorn and Soda anyone?

4. Cussing and your transparent style of writing like use of this strikethrough shit style does not make you a better writer. OK, maybe it does pepper it with some f'n interest.

5. You have cute names to describe your kids, husband or family members. I guess I should be a little worried about using real names...I do watch a lot of news magazine shows - Dateline, 20/20 and their stories do freak me out. Yet, I still watch them anytime they come on. Whatever...maybe I'll come up with my own silly names.

6. Many of you see the fourth hour of the Today show...'nuff said.

Yes, I started this blog just to say - hey people I know (all 10 of you), here's what's up in our life. Not to secure "readers" or lure people to get revenue from annoying advertisements or some lame attempt to score a gig.

I do spend the majority of my time writing at work. You wouldn't know it by reading my blog, but I prefer to use this space to just write like the way I talk (Memphis, TN yo) and not worry about being grammatically correct. So if you think I don't write well, F you. I try to refrain use of F bombs for my family "readers" out there. So, I'll just say f'n or F or WTF. Ahh screw it. It's my blog! I can write what I want!

OMG...maybe deep down I want to be like you. I watch Jon & Kate Plus 8 and LOVE it! WTF?! Most of you are fairly sarcastic, so I can appreciate that. My undergrad was in psychology so I'm doing a little reflection here... Nah...It can't be that obvious, can it?! I'm sure if/when I get pregnant and start a family I will blog ad nauseam about my pregnancy and my mini-me's, but hopefully it won't be the typical "mommy blog"...I'm sure it will.

Chelsea Lately is on (love her!)...gotta run.


Anonymous said...

Someone sounds bitter! Maybe a vacation to Cincinnati and a few pointers on why and how you should blog are in order? Not all blogs are "mommy" blogs! And not everyone does it to make money! I do it so my family can keep up on me and my family (which they hardly get to see) and because I really enjoy writing about stuff that interests me. Sometimes people like to read it, sometimes they don't. But for the most part, it's all about ME on my blog. And that's how I roll, yo...

If ya really want a few pointers, go here...

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