Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Invasion of the Fosters!

The Foster clan came to visit us this past weekend. How quickly the kids have grown! Tabitha is starting high school and Sarah is almost taller than Sherrie! Well, we didn't experience any of the terrible associated with the twos x 2. A little mischievousness for sure! Jordan has a passion for buttons and light switches and has a bit of OCD tendencies at times. Justin is just so calm and quiet, taking everything in. JT found Justin perched in a small basket in the dining room. I think he just needed some quiet time away from it all! A family of six will certainly make the house feel fuller! We were sort of lonely....for about half a day!

Hope to see the Fosters again soon - perhaps over the holidays.

1 comment:

Team Foster said...

We had a great time! Soon you'll see the re-invasion, don't put those locks away!